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April 23rd is Craft Beer Day!

April 23rd is Craft Beer Day!

Origin of Craft Beer Day on April 23rd

"Craft Beer Day" originates from the "Beer Purity Law" (Germany), the first law in the world to define "what exactly is beer", which came into force on April 23, 1516. "Craft Beer Day" was registered and certified by the Krabi Federation with the Japan Anniversary Association (as of April 10, 2023) .

Japan Craft Beer Industry Association (Krabi Ren)


To coincide with Craft Beer Day, all YONA YONA BEER WORKS stores will be holding
Unfiltered Yona Yona Ale will be available from April 23rd !
Yona Yona Ale Unfiltered

Small 820
Regular 1,200
Pint 1,500
■Beer style: American Pale ale
■ABV: 5.5%
IBU: 41
■EBC: 21
■Color: Deep Gold
This is an American pale ale that pursues the classic taste of craft beer.
It is characterized by the fresh grapefruit-like aroma of the aroma hop "Cascade" and the gentle sweetness of malt, and is brewed so that the aroma lingers pleasantly even after the beer has passed down the throat.
Enjoy this unfiltered ale with a fragrant hop aroma.
Learn more about Yona Yona Ale

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